Jenn and Orlund's adventures

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Special just for you mom

I know the two pictures are just about exactly the same.. oh well, I thought since it took me so long to get these posted that I owed you double!! The picture of the picture didn't turn out as good as the real picture is! (doesn't show the true beauty- or colour).
Big red when she was sick!! Had to get taken to the shop.. pout pout. I was sold a broken car!!! But she's doing much better now and hasn't let me down again!
This would be me refinishing the chairs- which still aren't attached to the legs... that's someone else's job! hehehe.

This is me working on the infinite curtains. I know silly to do it in the living room, but that is the best area to lay out all the material! (and NO I wasn't watching TV, just didn't feel like going to the dinning room).

This is the tile table that I did last fall. It was to cold outside to do it out there, so we moved the dinning room stuff into the living room and we had this oversized table in it's place. I don't believe in this picture it has been grouted yet (although if you zoom in it might be). It was alot of fun getting this HEAVY table back outside. (the top comes appart from the legs). I wasn't the best tile job I've done, but it was a fun mosaic to do.

Sunday School

The picture above is of the throne room- where the Sunday school kids do their morning worship.
This is outside the throne room in the hallway- it looks like rock!
As you can tell we took these pictures while everything was still under construction. All the rooms are open now for the kids except this one.
This is the Ark! For The youngest kids. There are picnic tables and animal print pillows for them to sit on on the floor. The lights on the side are like port holes. They light up just not in this picture. You also can't really see it in the picture but the wall with the portholes is actually slanted like in a real boat! The kids were all so excited to finally have 'real' sunday school classrooms.

New Church

These two pictures above are of the ladies washroom!! That's right we have a real water fall and sitting area in the washroom!! It's so pretty you could stay in there all day!

The two pictures above are of the Nursery. There is a kitchen like thing in there, and a ball 'pool' thing. Looks likes lots of fun for the kids.
This picture above is of our Kitchen/Conference room. This is where we meet every second Friday for 'Emerge' the new program for young adults (older than youth) to come and learn and discuss Life changing lessons.

The 2 pictures above are of our lobby area. The top one showes a metal 'fence' that is Zack's coffee shop! So you can get a coffee and hang out in the lobby fellowshipping.

Okay, I haven't tried working on this Blog for such a long time that I don't remember how to do it, so I might have to try a few times, or else you'll just have to guess what caption goes to what picture!! The Picture above is of our new Church sign - obviously at night! Isn't it pretty?