Jenn and Orlund's adventures

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Hair cut!!

This is what you'd think my hair looked like- in fact we had already cut off 5.5" of hair!! We forgot to take an original picture of the full length (although it might not have all fit in the picture). We couldn't find where the old colouring ended to cut off so guessed approx. Then after a few deep breathing excercises I was ready to take the plung- so to speak- and snip snip!
*POOF* there went another 11" of Hair! As you can see by the picture we didn't cut the front part as the donation. That's right I am donating all that hair (except the origianl 5.5") to Cancer for them to make wigs. After 2years of growing my hair out without colouring it I can finally donate it.

Just a goofy side shot to show off my fabulous due! Twyla (sister-in-law/hairdresser) thought I should keep it like this- Glad she kept cutting :)

And *gulp gulp* here is my short hair- before styling! Already my head felt lighter!! I think my neck grew a few inches just from that weight being lifted off!! So then the finishing touches and...

SHORT HAIR!!! We forgot to take a picture before I was in my winter jacket again- but Twyla had other clients waiting so didn't have time to re-do this shot. I will send more pictures once I've gotten some nice ones! So this is now my new hair cut and I'm finding it much different then my long hair! Hope you like it- if not it grows out! My husband seems to really love it- he say's it's not just 'cause it's something different either, he's already trying to convince me to keep it short!!

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Preggy 18wks 3days

This isn't the most flattering picture, however most the other pictures we took didn't turn out as nicely. I am NOT sticking my tummy out, actually I'm trying to suck it in. Of course the dress is VERY fitted so doesn't leave much to the imagination!
Don't I look sexy? this is after I lost 9lbs!! Still haven't gained them back :P I guess my figure would have been nicer if I'd kept my shoes on- silly me, guess I have some more work to do before becoming a model...hehehe

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Ultrasound!! 18wks 3days

This one is just Toes... I couldn't scan in the pictures, so I faxed them to my computer and then had to do it up in Paint to get them on here... fun fun fun.. but Mom I'm sending you a copy of them all anyway and they are way clearer on the photocopy.
You will have to click and make the pictures bigger to see anything... explanation is at the bottom... since I can't get this thing to do what I want it to :P

Yippee!! I don't know how clearly you can see these pictures.. On each one they are labelled at the bottom. (should be able to click on the pic and make them larger). The top left is a picture of the spine - pretty self explaining- bum to the left head to the right. The top right is the face and hand- looking down on the head, kinda, You can see the outline of the skull then "pointing" towards upper left is the face looking. There are two dark circles- eyes. Then the hand/s are infront of the babes face (to the left cheek area). The bottom left is not so easy to see, agian head and hands- she took the picture a minute to late and missed an awesome shot. then the lower right picture is the foot- kinda floating in the blackness.. I have an idea, I'll draw on these- here goes-- Okay, kinda annoying that I can't put the picture on the page where I want it.. can tell I haven't used this in a while :(
So those are the exciting Ultrasound pictures, nowhere near as exciting as getting to watch the baby move around on the screen!!! What a wiggler we've got :)
I'll put pics up of the tummy when I get a chance!