Jenn and Orlund's adventures

Thursday, December 31, 2009


Hello Everyone! I pray you had a wonderful Christmas this year, and will have a blessed New Year!

This week of holidays has passed by at a rather slow rate. However with having Orlund home I find I'm not needing a nap, which helps have more hours in the day.

Christmas we were spoiled rotten by Orlund's family. My Parents were in Thailand, and my brother in Edmonton. So we will have Christmas with my side later. We spent Christmas Eve at Hazel and Hugh's, along with about 4hours on Christmas day around noon. We had our own little Christmas here in on Christmas morning opening our gifts. And had the Norstrom's over for goodies and games Christmas night.

We haven't been to any parties this year. We didn't hang out with many people this year (due to moving, trips etc etc) so weren't really expecting much. However sure makes you realize how much you miss the parties. We've decided this next year we wont be so 'self' involved and get together with more people throughout the year. We also will be hosting a small group at our home, one through our church. We don't have to teach anything, just provide the house. I'm looking forward to that. It's every sunday night and I like meeting other people. The small group is about raising children so will be interesting to see who comes. We went to a small group before about raising kids and really enjoyed it. There were some couples alittle older than us (kids not in nursery) so it was nice to visit with them and get to know them on a more personal note.

Well I know, I didn't write much however I have some other things I need to get to. One last thing I'll write, we bought a dishwasher! That's right. I'm getting a dishwasher! I LOVE DISHWASHERS!! I always laugh that Orlund and Joy already had a dishwasher, but now it's Mommy's turn to have one :) I called the store and it arrived so we just need to pick it up, and it gets installed on monday morning. I think sunday night I'm not going to do the dishes just so I can try it out right away.

God bless you all and I'll post pictures soon...I hope ;)